Just about less than a week ago, Eelyn Kok was admitted to the hospital suspected to have drank bleach and commit suicide. Upon seeing the news, I immediately wonder if it has got anything to do with her wedding calling off.. Hmmm.. At an interview, Eelyn Kok explained that it all happened because her landlady had put bleach into a container for dish-washing liquid but did not label it. After using a frying pan to cook her food, Eelyn used what she thought was detergent from the container to clean the pan. The next day, she used the same pan to reheat some food and fell sick after consuming it. Ridicules I thought.. Must be some excuse to cover up the failed suicide.. But again, who am I to comment so much..
Today, I read the news and realised that indeed, she is getting married somewhere in Oct.. Oops.. So that means my assumption is wrong and I have wronged her.. Double oops..
The couple got to know each other through mutual friends and after more than two years of courtship with her auditor boyfriend, Eelyn is finally agreed the proposal (which took place 3 months ago)! Eelyn will register for their marriage Oct this year and will throw the banquet dinner in 2011.
Congrats to Eelyn!