Friday, May 7

The Ang Pow Checklist

Not only do you have to worry about the photoshoot, the gown fitting, the invitation list and so on, preparation of Ang Pows on your big day is also a must-not-forget.

                       (Quoted from:

Thanks to Nana (which is me of course), I have prepared a checklist of the must-give Ang Pows so that there will be no last minute panic.

  1. The Solemnizer
  2. Jiemeis
  3. Younger extended relatives like cousins, nephews & nieces
  4. Tea-lady who is helping the tea ceremony (both groom and bride side. Which means, there are 2 Ang Pows to prepare)
  5. Umbrella Lady (she, who holds your umbrella over your head on your wedding day)
  6. Brother (for opening the car)
  7. Haircoming woman (a lucky lady chosen to comb the bride's hair before "shang tou")
  8. Groomsmen & xiong dis
  9. The "An Chuang" lady who sets the martial bed for you
  10. The boy who jumps on the bed
  11. Make up artist
  12. Photographer
  13. Emcee
  14. At least 20 Ang Pows with at least $10 or $20 in each one for miscellaneous needs you might overlooked. 
  15. ‘Milk Money’ or ‘Nappy Money’ (this is a small angpow to be given to the parents of the bride on the morning the groom picks her up, and it’s completely separate from the ‘peng kam’ (dowry or bride price) cash given during the ‘Guo Da Li')
Of course, some of the above mentioned are optional. But I believe this is a good checklist for you just before your big day.


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